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A sharing by Helen Chang for this song:

Whenever the thought of what may be pleasing to God Yahweh comes to mind, I would be reminded of the verse in Isaiah 55: 8-9. I would soon realise that His thoughts and ways are not only higher than mine but that they are in the opposite direction from my natural thoughts and ways! His are pointing heavenwards whereas mine are earthbound.

As I pondered more on His word through His servants in the Scriptures, it is literally everywhere and in every aspect of life, be it in the inner attitudes or the outward expressions. In short, whatever pleases God Yahweh would be the reverse of whatever would please us and the people around us naturally!

So, for a start, the humble will be exalted, the proud will be humbled, the last will be the first and the first will be the last. Then, what can be more explicit than God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the worldly strong!

So may the LORD grant me the sensitivity to what is truly acceptable to Him, that I would also choose to be the kind of person He sees as valuable.

(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church