Integrated List of Songs
The following table shows all the songs in this website, and provides a quick reference to the whole library. The titles are listed in alphabetical order. To find a song title, you can either manually scroll down this list, or search for the song title. To search for a song title, the exact steps will depend on your browser. The feature you are looking for is called "Find in Page" or something similar. For most laptop computers, you would press Ctrl-F. For mobile devices, the steps differ between Chrome and Safari. In mobile Chrome, tap the three dots at upper right and choose “Find in Page”. In mobile Safari, type a search word such as “heart” or 爱 in the address bar at the top; this will generate a pull-down menu; then click on the bottom line immediately after “On This Page”.
Song Title | Song page |
A Consecrated Soul | D0180 |
A Free Man | D0415 |
Accept My Love for You | D0505 |
Against the Current | D0460 |
All I Want | D0325 |
Arise and Shine | D0375 |
Be Perfect as the Father is Perfect | D0445 |
Be Strong And Very Bold | D0204 |
Blessed Be Yahweh, Our Creator | D0430 |
Blessed is the Man | D0559 |
By Yahweh's Every Word | D0365 |
Christ Be Lifted Up | D0184 |
Cleanse My Heart | D0186 |
Clothed With Salvation | D0270 |
Come, Call on Yahweh | D0410 |
Different Now | D0455 |
Draw Near To Yahweh | D0210 |
Empowered by Your Love | D0435 |
Eternal Blessings | D0275 |
Everyday We Bless You | D0190 |
Fight the Good Fight of the Faith | D0200 |
Follow God's Spirit | D0220 |
Fragrance of Christ | D0238 |
Give Thanks | E0017 |
God's Children | E0057 |
God's House We Raise | D0196 |
God's Love | D0495 |
God's Peace | D0420 |
God's Sheepfold | E0037 |
Guard Your Heart With All Diligence | D0260 |
Have Mercy On Me | D0214 |
Heartbeat | D0395 |
Heaven on Earth | D0310 |
Heaven Shall Declare Your Glory | D0255 |
Here I Am, As I Wake | D0500 |
How Majestic Is Your Name | D0244 |
How Much I Owe You | D0530 |
I am the Work of Your Hand | D0176 |
I Am With You | D0320 |
I Can't Stop From Loving You | D0560 |
I Want a Principle | D0178 |
I Will Extol Yahweh | D0385 |
I'll Be There | D0540 |
Imitate Christ | D0345 |
In Your Presence is Fullness of Joy | D0417 |
It's Your Love | D0475 |
Jesus Taught Us To Pray | D0335 |
Jesus, Lamb of God | D0305 |
Joy In Your Presence | D0248 |
Keep Our Minds On These | D0485 |
Let All That Breathes Praise Yahweh | D0400 |
Make My Life a Miracle | D0557 |
May Yahweh Bless You | D0350 |
Mission Song | D0480 |
My Goal is Yahweh Himself | D0440 |
My Heart Delights To Do Your Will | D0234 |
My Heart Hopes in God | E0067 |
Nothing Is Difficult For Yahweh | D0192 |
Now I Understand | D0285 |
O My Strength, I Sing Your Praise | D0240 |
One Cheering Word | D0218 |
Open My Eyes | D0550 |
Our Father in Heaven | D0226 |
Overcome Sin With Holiness | D0194 |
Praise God, The Holy One | D0390 |
Praise my Lord | E0005 |
Prayer of Commitment | D0315 |
Press on to Know the Lord | E0003 |
Renew Our Bond in You | D0405 |
Run The Race Before Us | D0206 |
See the Glory of Yahweh Shining | E0002 |
Serve Yahweh With Gladness | D0188 |
Set Our Hearts Ablaze | D0483 |
Shema Israel | D0470 |
Shema Yisrael | D0172 |
Signs of Resurrection | D0228 |
Song of Allegiance | D0465 |
Spring Of Living Water | D0202 |
Still in the Storm | D0198 |
Sweeter Than Honey | D0168 |
Teach Me to Do Your Will | D0558 |
That's What I'd Rather Be | D0380 |
The Harvest Is Near | D0290 |
The Hope in Hopelessness | D0242 |
The Immortal Yahweh | D0265 |
The Meek Shall Live By Yahweh's Spirit | D0250 |
The Mind of Christ | D0246 |
To Adore and to Worship You | E0004 |
To Fear the LORD is to Live | D0360 |
To Know Christ | D0300 |
United With Christ | D0166 |
Wait on God | E0105 |
We Belong to You | D0340 |
We Belong to You | E0155 |
What Yahweh Has Chosen | D0174 |
Who Is Like You, Yahweh | D0295 |
Wholly Devoted To You | D0208 |
With One Heart and Voice | D0224 |
With One Heart And Voice (Thai language) | D0225 |
With You Always | D0236 |
Yahweh is Our God | D0355 |
Yahweh Shall be Known by All | D0462 |
Yahweh You Are Our God and Lord | D0182 |
Yahweh's Glory | D0370 |
Yahweh's Power is Made Perfect | D0510 |
Yahweh's Ransomed Shall Return | D0330 |
Yahweh's Steadfast Love Endures | D0230 |
Yahweh's Will For Us | D0492 |
Yahweh, You Alone are God | D0450 |
You Alone | D0232 |
You Are All I Ever Need | D0170 |
You are Faithful, Yahweh | D0490 |
You Are Worthy | D0216 |
You Do Wondrous Things | D0212 |
Your Place In My Heart | D0280 |
Your Thoughts Your Ways | D0222 |
一生一世 | E0185 |
一生追赶雅伟的心意 | E0089 |
不再是我 | E0500 |
与主合一 | E0870 |
与主同心 | E0095 |
与你一致 | E0560 |
与你相会 | D0541 |
与基督联合 | E1110 |
与神同行 | E0195 |
世界的光 | E0360 |
丰盛旅程 | E0086 |
为你 | E0245 |
主会认你为忠诚的人吗 | E0690 |
主啊帮助我们 | E0014 |
主啊我恳求你 | E0520 |
主感动你 | E0730 |
主的光 | E0240 |
主的公义 | E0285 |
主的意念非同我的意念 | E1120 |
他吸引万民 | E0310 |
以你心为心 | E0056 |
以拯救为衣 | E1070 |
传爱 | E0760 |
你们是世上的光 | E0110 |
你垂听我祈求 | E0054 |
你当刚强壮胆 | E0405 |
你意念宝贵 | E0390 |
你的爱 | D0476 |
你面前有喜乐 | E0840 |
保守内心 | E0600 |
做个真正聪明人 | E0620 |
做主精兵 | E0810 |
做你忠心朋友 | E0460 |
全心寻求主 | E0190 |
全然地爱你 | E0020 |
兴起发光 | E0630 |
凡有气息的赞美雅伟 | E0215 |
出死入生 | E0114 |
力上加力 | E0010 |
勇者无惧 | E0098 |
华美新衣 | D0513 |
古韵雅歌 | E0210 |
可喜可乐之城 | E0950 |
同得基業 | E0235 |
同心合意 | E0094 |
同心同行 | D0516 |
向神雅伟唱新歌 | D0520 |
向雅伟唱新歌 | E0046 |
向雅伟的祷告 | E0164 |
呼求 | E0435 |
哦耶稣快快来 | E0455 |
回家 | E0200 |
因他以厚恩待我 | E0305 |
在你心怀里 | D0526 |
在你面前有满足喜乐 | E0315 |
复活 | E0290 |
复活和生命 | E0790 |
复活标记 | E0074 |
天路历程 | E0395 |
奋进传扬 | E0134 |
奔跑前面的路 | E0064 |
好牧人 | E0550 |
安息在全能者的荫下 | E0225 |
完全的爱 | E0030 |
宝贵 | E0680 |
寰宇传扬你的荣耀 | E0470 |
对你说是 | D0523 |
尊崇敬拜你 | E0440 |
开垦荒地 | E0205 |
开我心耳 | E0012 |
开我眼睛 | D0551 |
得见你面 | E0700 |
得雅伟称许 Dokimos | E0052 |
心声 | E0860 |
心存永恆的盼望 | E0026 |
心灵贫乏 | E0530 |
必得着生命 | E0660 |
快来敬拜 | E0260 |
悟 | E0650 |
我们一起长成 | E0044 |
我们的盼望和喜乐 | E0300 |
我心仰望神雅伟 | E1080 |
我心灵得复生 | E0830 |
我是否靠近主的心 | E1100 |
我永永远远的深爱你 | D0561 |
我求告一件事 | E0325 |
我深爱你,我的力量 | E0740 |
我的力量和盾牌 | E0335 |
我的心哪赞美耶和华 | E0345 |
我要向山举目 | E1050 |
我要称谢耶和华 | E0355 |
我要纪念雅伟 | E0084 |
我还要归从谁 | E0330 |
我选择雅伟道路 | E0400 |
招聚万民的大旗 | E0770 |
接棒 | E0059 |
效法基督 | E0880 |
救主恩 | E0750 |
教我行你旨意 | E1010 |
敬拜主 | E1090 |
敬畏耶和华的人 | E0465 |
新生 | E1040 |
新造的人 | E1060 |
昼夜不住的呼求 | E0036 |
晓得耶和华是神 | E0385 |
来呼求雅伟 | E0970 |
来靠近真神 | E0107 |
歌颂你,我的力量 | E0890 |
每一天 | E0940 |
求主发光 | E0039 |
求主怜爱显彰 | E0130 |
求主扶助 | E0320 |
求主饶恕 | E0420 |
求开放的灵 | E0370 |
求耶稣作我主 | E0415 |
活在主智慧中 | E0375 |
清晨的日光 | E0069 |
清晨的甘露 | E0175 |
温柔安静的灵 | E0029 |
渴望生命之律 | E0510 |
溪水旁的树 | E0042 |
满心感恩 | E0022 |
灵的祝祷 | E0900 |
点燃我们的心 | E0990 |
爱的团聚 | E0024 |
牧园 | E0640 |
生命的粮 | E0410 |
短宣歌 | D0481 |
祈祷 | E0850 |
神是我的目标 | E0070 |
神的儿女 | E0220 |
神的平安-毫无忧虑 | E0450 |
神的灵火燃烧 | E0780 |
称谢 | E0670 |
称谢你手所造的一切 | E0145 |
等候主 | E0980 |
等候耶和华 | E0477 |
背你十架 | E0080 |
若不是主帮助 | E0590 |
蒙主祝福的人 | E0380 |
(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church