Welcome to the CDC bookstore! Most of our titles are offered to the public free of charge in the form of downloadable pdf, epub, and mobi files. Though free, all titles remain under copyright, and are not in the public domain. The titles are also available for purchase from Amazon.com in the form of paperbacks and Kindle e-books. To get started on a book, click on a thumbnail or a link below. For more details on a book, scroll down.
Links to the home pages of the books (you can also click on a cover below):
Baptism and the New Life in Christ
How I Have Come to Know the Living God
Becoming a New Person volume 1
Becoming a New Person volume 2
The Parables of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew volume 1
Theological Metamorphosis (Bentley C.F. Chan)
Goodness and Lovingkindness Will Follow Me All the Days of My Life (Sylvia Chan)
I am the Work of Your Hand (James C.C. Ho)
Salvation in the Name of YHWH (Rosablanca Suen)
Crucifixion & The Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross (Bentley C.F. Chan)
Embracing the World of Autism with my Autistic Son (Pearl Bong)
(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church